Really appreciated your perspective on respectful disagreement. It's a reminder that sharing our preferences doesn't have to overshadow others' choices. Great read!

Robert from Beyond AI

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I think it’s also super interesting and important to think about how this shows up now more than ever in the digital world we live in and how we are sort of programmed now to share our opinions and preferences as though they are truths - often social media leaves little room for disagreement and healthy conversations don’t take place more often than not but instead just a lot of people throwing their opinions around as though they are fact. Perhaps this quick share, like, comment world we live in adds to people’s belief that their preferences and opinions are ‘truths’

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Social media has led to a false sense of security, where people believe they're right simply because others agree with them through likes and shares. It's important to remember that not everything is a fact and many things are up for debate.

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Nedra Glover Tawwab

I really enjoyed this short but powerful read!

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Nedra Glover Tawwab

My one caveat to this would be if someone’s “preferences” or “opinions” are rooted in, or result in, someone else’s oppression.. in that case, for me, respect has already been lost. If someone’s “preference” denies my or someone else’s existence/identity, it’s not a disagreement, it’s a denial of humanity.

People will use the “it’s just my opinion” argument to cover up some very bigoted, discriminatory, hateful, and dangerous rhetoric.

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very true! that's for that point.

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Love this. So accurate

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Just to further this...remember that you don't always need to have an opinion about everything. Life is a lot easier that way.

From Marcus Aurelius:

We have the power to hold no opinion about a thing and to not let it upset our state of mind–for things have no natural power to shape our judgment.

I wrote a post about this concept recently and how it applies to business leaders: https://jonmrich.substack.com/p/your-opinions-are-killing-your-company

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Beautiful!!!! Love how you have expanded on this and so very true!

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Very timely as we enter the election season! I have lost Facebook friends and acquaintances over political differences despite my efforts to be respectful in sharing my views. In my daily relationships I fair better as my inner circle can agree to disagree or just avoid sensitive topics in which we all know we are on opposite sides. That mutual respect has saved a lot of relationships!

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Nov 14, 2023Liked by Nedra Glover Tawwab

Very timely post! It's undoubtedly the time of year to strive to maintain decorum, as not everyone will enjoy your Christmas tree, turkey, or any of the other numerous seasonal grievances that arise. I love when you say: "Our truths aren’t universal, and we don’t need to be disrespectful in the way we express them". We should each state OUR own preferences and refrain from pressuring others to share them, there would be less hurt feelings all round:).

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This is really helpful 🙏

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