As always. Much much needed reminders throughout ❤️

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Your pieces are immensely relatable and easy to read. Being free from number defined advancement is so important. There's so much more which goes into progress - taking time off to rest, rejuvenate are non quantifiables, but imperative.

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Honestly I'm proud of the choices I've made this year some were tougher than others. I LOVED that each month was an organized theme of my life for example January was $$month I took a savings challenge by Tiffany the Budgetnista aliche, Feb, I started therapy back up for 3 month's, I had each part of my life organized and I'm inviting more of that in my life. I created an accountability calendar with all the good habits I needed to implant in my life so I could be healthier. I showed up for myself without 100% support from others, I've set BOUNDARIES. I even ended a pair of unhealthy friendships. I'm proud of myself. I write in my journal as regularly I'm proud of myself and I love myself when no one else tells or supports me . I have joined various communities that's support my goals in life. I even started a podcast on spotify called InthekNOwbyBrittany to help others which ended up being help to myself .that's now lead me to starting my consulting business and blog. Things I never thought I'd achieve I've achieved!! Next year I want more "pick Me Up Day's " I have scheduled 2 no commitment weeks for each month to decrease stress and strokes. I want to design my life in a way that adds to my happiness and continue on the good path I'm on that supports me more water more sleep, more peace. I'm even working on my plan called the "circle of happiness " .

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I love this perspective! A healthy reminder too for everyone to recognize that Self Friendship™ (as I call it) is a daily practice. Improving ourselves isn't always one-upping ourself. It's holistically taking the opportunity to practice meeting ourselves where we are each day and reflecting at all times of year what is and is not best serving us. More doesn't always mean better, less doesn't always mean worse. Observing ourselves as objectively as possible, consciously making consistent decisions in our best interest and reflecting on how we feel is how we will appreciate our growth.

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It’s crazy how 2023 was the year I realised that I don’t have to outdo myself with each passing year. As I’m working on improving my relationship with rest, I am finally realising that it’s absolutely okay to do less sometimes. It does not make you less productive. Love this reminder ❣️

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Such a beautiful reflection and nuggets of advice as we head in to 2024! I was very hard on myself for not outdoing last year but I had to realize that there were so many new and great things I experienced this year. In addition, I learned to slow down and love on myself! And that truly is the best thing for me! Thank you for this post!

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Nedra, thank you for your inspiring piece of writing. I sat down, and followed your effective prompts towards reflection. I feel a bit calmer and feel like I’ve made headway towards how I want to frame my goals and mindset for 2024. Thank you. Looking forward to your next work!

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Your work is so soothing 💓. I am now in my 70's and I take life at a much slower pace. Boundaries have been a real game changer for me and the ability to choose has been so empowering. I have let go of things (including toxic relationships) that no longer serve me this past year. It's like having a clean slate for the year ahead. I love the word "intention". It speaks volumes to me these days 🙂

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Thank you for gentle guidelines. My new “bloom” planner has me thinking about growth and goals. First up is my word for the year, seems so small and grounds me when I stray. Set Boundaries daily calendar set up on my bedside table...😊

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What’s a “bloom” planner?

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bloomplanners.com offers many options for planners that have a “life coach” feel. Places for goals, lists and positive quotes here and there. A women-led company that also has an online community and donates to other women.

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Nedra A wonderful look at year end processing. D

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Thank you so much for these nuggets of wisdom to reflect on for the year past and the one ahead!

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“Just because we did 100 jumping jacks this year doesn’t mean we need to do 101 next year” - love this. Taking time to thoughtfully consider the intention of our actions of the year instead of feeling like we must increase them is a much more gentle approach to reflection. Thanks for sharing this ♥️

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