Nedra, your perspective is a great reminder that oftentimes we have more than we need. I've been holding on to clothing that I can no longer fit (due weight gain) as a motivation to lose the weight. Of course, this is not working. So I decided to re-home items and to buy things I need, but are also in my current size. My point is sometimes excess comes from holding on to people, places, and things that no longer fit who we are right now. Removing my excess helps me to stay present and appreciate who I am in this new space/body.

Also, a few of the links that you kindly shared requires a subscription, are there other ways to access the WP articles?

Thank you ❤️

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Thanks for the nugget Nedra. Congratulations on the latest book! Your wisdom makes the world a kinder place.

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I initially read this post based on the first paragraph 😅 I thought it was going to go a different way. How in COVID we used to set up offices in bathtubs 🛀 and get very creative about space. And how we now can be doing that (creating those spaces of alone time, privacy spaces) to be present. I feel sometimes the noise of the world prevents us from doing just that. So continue to create bathtub privacy space for those pockets of present time. With that said, I did love the way your article went! Yes to a more minimalistic way of living. Good read since I am always wanting a bigger apartment 😅 guilty. Tho different from you my small one bedroom apartment is expensive. 😅

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Glad the gears shifted toward a meaningful topic.

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Such a gentle meditation on "enough." It's not just about experiencing the enough-ness of what we have, but also the enough-ness of ourselves.

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Really important to stayed grounded and present. Thank you for sharing.

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This was good. It make me appreciate that being present in the moment really matter. -" It's the little things." - India. Arie

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India was right.

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YES! I wrote about savouring the present moment here: https://neurodivergentnotes.substack.com/p/savour

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Needed this today

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This great read has made me appreciate my current appartment. Its what I need for nw and it has all the basic and rent not hurting my bank balance.

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Just having life and a body that does so many things is a gift of presence I love. Remembering to be present in that and cherishing my quality of life with the folks I love and they well love me is great! For the 1st time in 13 years of knowing my friend he finally said " Love you" to me it made me feel good to know my presence to him has been valued and doesn't go unnoticed. There's purpose and meaning in life and we don't have to look hard to find it. Just bring present and appreciative where we are right now brings joy

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I needed this reminder.

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Good perspective Nedra, remembering to savor and appreciate my current circumstances.

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Perspective I needed today, Nedra, thank you, especially this: "Instead of trying to change someone, we should consider, “What do I already have in this person?”

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That quote in particular caught my eye as well!

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Staying present is definitely a hard sell nowadays as soo many things compete for our limited attention. The 4 questions you posed definitely hit the spot. Thank you Nedra, another great piece to chew on:)

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Lol. The husbands and the way they always say, “don’t you already have that?” Thanks for this nudge to love what we already have.

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