"Likewise, pulling back from a relationship can allow us to be more fully present when we do show up for that person. Doing less can be loving"...this rings SO true. Thank you!

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I think we are in a time of shifting relationships. Historically it was much harder to let go of lousy connections to form new healthy ones but it has, thankfully, got much easier. The pandemic heightened our awareness about what is truly important and many folks are working to bring that into their lives in a more tangible way.

As you said, it's entirely possible to shift a relationship through small course corrections. Being intentional about how you want to show up and that will have a lovely effect on the other person. We do not have to entirely blow up the connection in order to change it. That being said, sometimes we do need to walk away for the greater good of both parties. Walking away also doesn't mean blowing up the connection, we can move on in integrity and love.

Thanks for a lovely article.

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This came to me just in time, I need to do less in certain relationships.

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