I'm chuckling over here, as I'm one of those people that sends a recipe series to my email subscribers😂. That's because I'm passionate about food enjoyment in a sadly diet-culture infected world, and for purely selfish reasons, cooking delicious food (not just "okay" food) is something I prioritize. I get that not everyone else in the world is such a food snob as myself... my middle sister, for example who would be horrified to see the current state of my house keeping and laundry that never seems to get put away (and she can't understand why when I make Coq-Au-Vin once or twice a year, it's worth the bit of extra time and clean up to braise the onions and brown the mushrooms separately, like Julia Child.) So suffice it to say, I'd be unsubscribing to the newsletters about all the things I'm supposed to clean, and might consider getting rid of the steam floor sanitizer that's been in the closet for a decade. We all have our things, right?

Now, if having a virtual cook-along with a few friends and beverage of choice, let me know. I'll be down for that. 😂❤️

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Love this so much! It's easy to feel like a failure when we start things and don't finish them. I like this perspective of just simply letting them go, no shame or regret.

There's so much happening in our world, how can we possibly keep up with everything that we are curious about? Thanks Nedra.

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The unfinished projects alone---WHEW!!! Thank you for this perspective. Let me go ahead and release these things that continue to weigh me down. Kudos!!

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"Sometimes, starting something helps us realize it’s not for us, or that it’s not for the season of life we’re in" - YES YES YES 👌

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Painting, travel trips,saving $, finishing my podcast recordings. My overall goal is to finish what I've started and be consistent. Interests change over time and time is of the essence. This prompt teaches me about what I choose to commit myself to and where my limits in commitment are and where balance lies.

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Thank you Nedra.

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I needed this reminder from your note today but I also appreciated listening to the conversation from the Today show. Thank you for including that!

I have lots of supplies for projects never started and many projects started but not finished. I’m also good at buying books, but not always reading (or finishing them). Thank you for the advice that it’s ok to not finish everything we start. It’s ok to let somethings go, especially as we realize they may not be right for us (and we wouldn’t have known that if we hadn’t tried it). We are not failures… we did not fail by not finishing. Maybe it was even God who interrupted us because He had something different in mind!

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Oh my- We sound so much alike-from unfinished projects to book buying, LOL. Your statement "We are not failures. . .we did not fail by not finishing" feels like a balm to my spirit. Thank you, thank you, thank you for this truth.

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Countless times i've told myself and my parents (and also have kinda promised them) I'll do is this: exercising every day (If only i could figure out the reason why i quit doing so after a few days (my streak doesn't last even a week😭😔).

Oh, and the only thing i know i NEED TO GET RID OF are my old beliefs about myself. Deep down i know behaving based on my old personality won't make me successful, but so far i've not been able to prevent myself from slipping into my old personality (I started going to therapy three years ago and continued till last year. This short period was a transformative one for me because during this short time, i was able to learn the basics of emotional self-awareness and some of the issuss i didn't know existed in me things such as people-pleasing, and depression).

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Thank you for this nugget!! I NEED to definitely let some things go and interestingly the recipes are one of those things for me too. This message has me evaluating those things that are still “waiting to be done” and gave me comfort at the same time that I don’t have to push to complete everything anymore….some things won’t get done. I think I needed to hear that was ok. Thank you Nedra. It was awesome hearing what you had to say on Today as well. Congratulations and I pray for many future opportunities for you to share 💗

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How important is it? is a slogan that helps to keep things into perspective. I have a guitar collecting dust and now on a journey of learning out to make crocheted stuffies as handmade gifts for Christmas presents…. We’ll see if it happens! Thanks for the beautiful reminder to be gentle with myself and adding ease into my ambitions and projects

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Love that: “how important is it?” I need to implement that

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How ironic you used trying new recipes for trying something new. I did the same. I did well the first week but everything you said was true for me too. The time to get all the ingredients (mostly things I don’t stock or didn’t even know what it was 😅). By the following week I was back to routine 🙃. Another thing is cleaning out the garage this has been on my to do list for several years. But it’s a task that will require my husband’s assistance and we have yet to find a time that works with our schedules or energy levels (I’m retired—he’s not).

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