I love this mentality <3

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Thank you for the article. That inspired me to think about the ways of resting during the day. I feel the need for it, but don't have the habit to stop and slow down. That's not the easy task!

I thought about some small things I wanted to learn, that could bring me rest and joy. Like flower drawing or short story writing. The hard thing is to give myself permission for that.

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I have time to tackle my to-do list in a healthy, slow, sustainable way.

Love this post Nedra, and you've expressed a lot of what I was trying to say here (https://neurodivergentnotes.substack.com/p/living-a-low-demand-lifestyle) and here (https://neurodivergentnotes.substack.com/p/what-does-a-low-demand-life-look).

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This was so good. I started doing this last year. It made 2024 a lot easier for me. Thank God for Boundaries. You truly can have boundaries in your everyday life. Like Rihanna said "Live Yo Life"

Stay safe


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So good! Started doing this a few years ago when I retired and started to set some boundaries. Started doing things just "for me". Pushback? You bet! But I reckoned that it was my turn to look after me.

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Love this, thank you!

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Thanks for the reminder! My therapist taught me to only do 3 major things on my list for each day and set aside my "pick me up " time whether it's to read a book, or watch a movie etc. And it's difficult because I enjoy being productive but it's counter productive to my stress management and now that I had surgery a week ago i am enjoying the down time before having to meet obligations. My friends and I even go to other places in NC to reset and see different things and ppl.

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I have time to watercolor. I have time to read in the middle of the day on the weekend.

This was such a great reminder! My husband and I moved into our house in 2021 after spending 2020 in AirBnBs as a way to “retreat.” After nearly four years in the house, we’ve forgotten this and are working again to make the space useable in this “retreat” sort of way.

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