One of the ways I know I’m at capacity is when I begin to feel overwhelmed or frustrated with my days. It’s a sign to slow down and take a step back. To pause 🙏🏽

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It's so important to take note of our capacity while practicing compassion that we may not have as much as we usually do. It's okay, we will get back to that place.

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That’s beautifully said Maileah. Self-compassion is an art that is cultivated with practise over time. It’s something I’m learning to lean into more and more. It’s ok to pause and exhale. Life isn’t a race to be completed but a journey to be explored 🤍

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I absolutely loved this🤍

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Great post. Thanks.

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this is EVERYTHING. I needed to hear this. I am queen of going past empty tank /burnt out to my holistic being is like a burned down house! Lol 😂 I think the Pick me Up list is going to be something I try. But the journal prompts are something to meditate on knowing my capacity is shorter than others and this gives me the boundary I need with myself and to prevent others triggering my people pleaser issues.

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I’m curious Brittany, what do you feel causes you to go beyond your capacity?

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What amazing gems! I especially appreciated the different signs of possibly running on E as a few weren’t things I’d typically think of; also the notes of when others may be at their capacity and how to navigate that space.

As always, fabulous Nedra!

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I love that illustration about the car. We all have an “indicator light”

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This was so on point for me.

I am often the “ to go to “ person for family members. and friends.

As much as I try to maintain healthy boundaries, I am not always successful.

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I’m the same Marie. It can getting overwhelming to always be the one people go to. What I found has helped me is knowing that I do not have an obligation to help everyone. I do not need to feel guilty for setting boundaries and I certainly don’t need to know all of the answers 🙏🏽

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I have been forced to appear in family court almost monthly since November of last year due to a narcissistic abuser who is on par with Donald trump. Last month, I reached capacity. I was supposed to submit a document the day after court and I just did not have the wherewithal to do anymore. It was the first time in nine years that I said, “I just don’t have it in me to do it, right now.” I’ve had to be inscrutable (because women are not deemed credible in the [in]justice system, especially if you have been victimized.) I found myself at the end of my tether and I decided I could not do anymore, was not going to do more at that time. I haven’t even been able to check in with my best friend from college who is suffering from stage 4 cancer. I felt bad, but not guilty because it was really what I needed to do for myself and my child. It ended up working to my benefit because I ended getting help with the document I was required to complete from an unexpected source and it worked out far better than what I would have had the ability to do. Surrender worked.

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Such great content and relevance to take a step back and process our feelings instead of everyone else’s

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So important. Thank you for this. I love the metaphor of the car eventually breaking down. Really clarified the concept. I also like the word “honoring” - as in really really respecting our own capacities and others. (And lasagna is yummy.)

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Apr 4, 2023·edited Apr 5, 2023

This was a great read, Nedra! I've been dealing with this lately and didn't understand what was happening. Thank you for sharing this with us. I neded to read this.

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